Where did you buy your handphone? KELAS IX Minggu I Maret 2014

Posted by Unknown Thursday 20 February 2014 1 comments
T : your name please?
S : Gilang Vasha Vesky, call me Gilang
T : Do you have handphoe?
S : Yes, I do sir, it's Blackberry.
T : waw, that's an expensive Hp?
S : I dont know exactly the cost sir,because I got it as my birth day present from my brother.
T : did he bouhgt it from the Handphone store?
S : No, he didn't sir, He bought it from online store from the internet, he looked the advertisement from google adsense, and he interested to bought it as my birth day present.
T : Ok, maybe only that, I have to do my other job, see you next time.
S : See you sir.

Percakapan diatas silakan di translate kan, kemudian dihafal kan dan dipraktekkan, pengambilan nilai praktek dilaksanakan pada minggu 1 maret 2014.
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Judul: Where did you buy your handphone? KELAS IX Minggu I Maret 2014
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komunitasecckomputer said...

aris setyawan klas IX b hadir mister

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